Facing emerging global challenges, i-BEC acts through a global network in cooperation with governmental organizations, research institutes and the private sector. Within this network, i-BEC provides integrated reliable solutions and services and is actively involved in trans-national exchange and application of knowledge and best management practices overseas, in Europe and the Balkans
Recognizing the global character of environmental management issues and the need for crossborder cooperation and actions, the Interbalkan Environment Center (i-BEC) operates under the guidance of an International Advisory Board. All international agreements and actions of i-BEC are specified and defined by the International Board (IB).
As an institutional entity of i-BEC, the IB defines paths for sustainable progress in international relations and collaborations with European and International Organizations and Governing Bodies by supporting i-BEC with IB member’s knowledge and experiences that contribute to management and protection of the environment and natural resources
In particular, IB members were carefully selected to represent not only each nation cooperating with i-BEC but also to include key private and public sectors considered essential for assisting the mission of i-BEC. Board members provide guidance to i-BEC on strengthening international linkages of cooperation within their individual countries/regions and interest realms.
i-BEC is meant to facilitate linkages and not compete with any existing governmental agencies.
Thus the International Board:
- assists in identifying opportunities for application of new technologies, for meeting environmental needs while emphasizing the delivery of maximum benefits to local communities and individual citizens,
- seeks opportunities for integrating public and private sectors in reaching sustainable development and economic prosperity of the Balkan region,
- focuses on holistic approaches to regional/global problems through interconnection policies, science and technology, within the principles and norms of International and European institutional frameworks.
Hence, it consists of world leading scientists as well as excellent managers of International Organizations:
- Dr Steffen Kuntz, Professor of Geo-Information Systems of the University of Freiburg and collaborator of Astrium GmbH (Germany)
- Dr Thomas Crisman, Professor of Biology in the University of South Florida and of the Department of Environment and Occupational Health of the College of Public Health in the University of South Tampa (USA)
- Dr Dejan Komatina, Secretary of the International Sava River Basin Commission (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia)
- Dr Hristo Dimitrov, Chairman of the Board of Europrof Association ( Bulgaria)
- Dr Dorian Ducka, Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry of Albania (Albania)
- Dr Zoran Sprikovski, Head of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Applied Hydrobiological Institute Ohrid (FYROM)
- Mr Daniel Barok International Collaborations’ Adviser, Israel Space Agency
- Dr. Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering & Geomatics, Cyprus University of Technology, and Vice-President of the Cyprus Remote Sensing Society, (Cyprus)
- Dr. Luca Montanarella Project Leader, European Commission- Joint Research Centre, Institute of Environment and Sustainability Soil and Waste Unit
i-BEC, as defined by its International Board is:
1. Involved in exchanging knowledge and experience with International Research Institutions
2. Customizing innovative products, tools and methodologies to meet the needs of national and international end users from the public and private sectors
3. Developing methodologies and tools that have international application potential and meet the requirements and objectives of European legislation and International Conventions