Services & Products

The uniqueness and innovation of the i-BEC is evident in the provision of services such as:

  1. Integration and management of environmental data (telemetry, remote sensing and reference) in a shared infrastructure
  2. Scaling applications both geographically (e.g. new regional units, additional groups of producers) and thematically (e.g. development of new crops, utilization of byproducts and waste treatment)
  3. Meeting requirements of locally focused needs of public and private sectors that adhere to international standards (GEO-Group on Earth Observations UN) through the ‘’act local-think global’’ approach

Its innovative structure fosters interdisciplinary collaboration between sectors of the regional economy and promotes the principles of smart specialization with an emphasis on collaboration and eco-innovation. The added value of services provided by i-BEC, lies in the development, operation and expansion of services to both individual users and user groups (producer groups, businesses, etc.) in order to optimize product quality and through it promote the emergence of new modes of economic development.