Lagadas, 31-07-2015
Ref. No: 544
Intebalkan Environment Center (I-BEC), participates (PP2) in the European Project “GEO-CRADLE – Coordinating and integRating state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS”, HORIZON 2020. The project has duration 30 months, i-BEC’s budget is 208.687,50 € and it receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
GEO-CRADLE will be running from 2016 to 2018 with the aim to tackle challenges and promote the uptake and exploitation of Earth Observation activities in North Africa, Middle East and the Balkans. To this end, the project has brought together 25 partners from 3 continents, to work in a highly-complementary team that combines a strong background in EO coordination activities with proven scientific excellence in four key thematic areas (adaptation to climate change, improved food security & water extremes management, access to raw materials, and access to energy).
The project strives to:
- enhance the current knowledge of existing EO capacities in the region (through an ongoing survey),
- facilitate the cooperation between EO stakeholders (through a networking platformand several events),
- identify the gaps and the maturity level (through analysis) and boost the maturityof the different countries in the region,
- enable the exchange of EO data (by setting up a Regional Data Hub),
- showcase concrete ways of tackling regional challenges related to adaptation of climate change, improved food security & water extremes management, better access to raw materials and energy (through feasibility studies),
- propose a roadmapfor the implementation of GEO, GEOSS and Copernicus in the three regions.
For the implementation of the actions of the above mentioned Project, i-BEC intends to employ people with work contracts. The work contracts will be carried during the implementation of the above project and in accordance with the final approved time schedule.
Candidates will be employed for the purpose of implementing the work packages of the project in which i-BEC participates, and specifically:
- WP1: Coordination and Management
- WP2: Inventory of capacities and user needs
- WP3: Gap analysis, indicators and priorities
- WP4: Pilot towards regional challenges
- WP5: Regional Contribution to GEOSS and Copernicus
- WP6: Communication, dissemination & engagement
- WP7: Impact and Exploitation
The WPs in which each person will participate will be described at their relevant contracts, and will concern the implementation of a part of the following tasks:
- Development of actions for the protection and monitoring of soil resources
- Development of actions to record and process Earth Observation data
- Development of actions for the creation of geospatial data base
- Development and production of thematic maps
- Development of algorithms
- Design of actions for sampling of soil samples
- Provision of advisory services and transfer of know-how to farmers’ clusters
- Organization and participation in project meetings.
- Progress reports as well as processing and archiving administrative and financial documents.
Required qualifications for the candidates include:
- Higher education (University or TEI) in engineering, information technology, environmental, biological science, economics and management.
- Professional experience related to the following fields:
- Programming language
- Actions for the elaboration and evaluation of thematic maps
- Consultancy services.
- Reduced input production management processes (reduced environmental footprint)
- Remote Sensing Actions
- Actions for the treatment of aquatic and terrestrial data Programs / projects management and progress reports.
- Computer knowledge (word, excel, internet)
- Knowledge of English
For more information please see here, or contact us on info@i-bec.org.