Invitation to the “Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs” AGRO_LESS, Final Conference on Friday 30th of October 2015
The final conference of the strategic project “Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs” AGRO_LESS, funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013 will be held on Friday 30th of October 2015.
The Lead Partner of the project, Region of Central Macedonia, welcomes your participation in the conference at 9:30, at Noesis, Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.
The partners of the project, both from Greece and Bulgaria, together with honoured guests representing the European Agri-Sector, will discuss the role of Earth Observation towards creating reliable data and new services.
New modern tools including Spaceborne (Satellites), Airborne (High Altitude Pseudosatellites-HAPs),and Ground platforms (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles -UAVs & Telemetric Sensors) as a system of Internet of Things will be analysed and decoded related to their potential in boosting the Agri-Sector and providing new services.
As a Case Study, the outcomes and the gained experience of the project AGRO_LESS will be discussed,together with the sustainability and future perspectives of reduced inputs agriculture practices, not only in Greece and in Bulgaria, but in the whole region.
We expect your presence.
Prof. George Zalidis
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The final conference of the strategic project “Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs” AGRO_LESS, funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013 will be held on Friday 30th of October 2015.
The Lead Partner of the project, Region of Central Macedonia, welcomes your participation in the conference at 9:30, at Noesis, Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.
The partners of the project, both from Greece and Bulgaria, together with honoured guests representing the European Agri-Sector, will discuss the role of Earth Observation towards creating reliable data and new services.
New modern tools including Spaceborne (Satellites), Airborne (High Altitude Pseudosatellites-HAPs),and Ground platforms (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles -UAVs & Telemetric Sensors) as a system of Internet of Things will be analysed and decoded related to their potential in boosting the Agri-Sector and providing new services.
As a Case Study, the outcomes and the gained experience of the project AGRO_LESS will be discussed,together with the sustainability and future perspectives of reduced inputs agriculture practices, not only in Greece and in Bulgaria, but in the whole region.
We expect your presence.
Prof. George Zalidis